Based in the beyond, Deep Leaks is a blog by B. Chuck McButts. His posts explore tomorrow's news as leaked to him from The future.

Federal Government funds Madrassas

Under the new Secretary of Education, more than 30,000 Madrassas and other parochial schools are now receiving more than $100 billion in federal aid.

Not only is the federal government funding these schools, but some states have been supporting them for years.

The AFC has reached all their goals and has disbanded operations:

"The American Federation for Children seeks to improve our nation’s K-12 education by advancing systemic and sustainable public policy that empowers parents, particularly those in low-income families, to choose the education they determine is best for their children."

Most of the AFC staff has moved to the Department of Education.

Canada and Mexico exit NAFTA to join EU

A Ménage à trois or a love triangle?