Based in the beyond, Deep Leaks is a blog by B. Chuck McButts. His posts explore tomorrow's news as leaked to him from The future.

Hotel chain settles dispute with 43

After a long dispute over who owns the trademark, the 43rd President is finally happy.

For an undisclosed fee, the hotel chain, while retaining all rights to the trademark, has agreed to retain the 43rd First Lady* as the spokesperson for the expanding brand.

This agreement has been in place for only a few days. Already property developers around the world are scrambling to be the first to license the brand. Especially since 45 has not been seen in public in nearly three years.  Of course, that was not nearly as bad as the first year when all the properties using the 45th brand lost 90% of their business. His disappearance did help but most have still not recovered to above 47%.

The brand is expanding quickly with the help of their new spokesperson. The new product lines include:

  • More hotels, resorts, and golf courses
  • Commercial and residential real estate
  • Skating rinks
  • Modeling agency and talent shows
  • Television production
  • Merchandise for the home
  • Beverages - spirits, water, and sports drinks
  • Leafy greens - medical and recreational
  • Food - Texas beef and BBQ

*Under this agreement, 43 is strictly prohibited from using the letter for any purpose. He has also agreed to never appear in public again, especially not on a property.

Cancer cure crashes economy

Corporations win the right to vote